Thursday, January 23, 2014

Economic case for Scottish independence: the economic facts

 (If you have difficulty with the clip you can click here to see it on YouTube)
This is, without doubt, the clearest, most compelling explanation of the economic facts underpinning the independence debate that you will see. Few of us studied PPE or economics to degree level but anyone who's interested and prepared to devote 36 minutes of their time (as anyone who plans to vote ought to be) will find that the facts here are sourced back to GERS (the veracity of which is accepted by both sides) and then explained and explored in a way that is clear but unpatronising and, when you hear them for the first time, quite jaw-dropping.

If you watch this and still plan to vote No, fair enough.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Brilliant video! Shows just how strong Scottish businesses are when a part of the UK. A great reason to vote no and keep Scottish business booming!

    1. Thanks for the comment. My experience is that people are gobsmacked when they understand that these are facts that nobody disputes. But there's only ten weeks to go so please share the video with has many people as you can.

  3. this vote yes campaign is a load o pish pal

    1. We'll all look back with pride at the effort and thought we put into things, I'm sure, no matter which side we're on. As long as we all feel that both sides did their best to consider, honestly and with proper consideration, the other's arguments, we'll have done our duty by our children. Thanks for playing your part.

    2. Really chief, either you never watched the video or you're just stuck with narrow minded views about our beautiful country, either way you'd be as well staying at home on referendum day

  4. Business for Scotland is well known for having a PRO SNP standpoint. Its fairly obvious that they are simply swallowing every word that the SNP say. There are absolutely ZERO facts for voting yes since this situation has NEVER been approached before... In MY opinion if a YES vote goes thru then there will be NUMEROUS companies closing. Shipbuilding and lots of other industries that rely on UK government contracts will cease and possibly close down. There is NO country in the world that outsources its high tech, national security, defense industry contracts and the rUK will be no exception..... rUK will stop at the Carlisle border and so will the contracts....

    1. "In MY opinion if a YES vote goes thru then there will be NUMEROUS companies closing."
      Possibly. However, it is also possible that many companies can be enticed to settle in an independent Scotland due to more favorable conditions. Isle of Man being an example.

      "Shipbuilding and lots of other industries that rely on UK government contracts will cease and possibly close down."
      There was no guarantee to start with that shipbuilding would remain or gain further contracts from the UK. However, I can see an upsurge in demand for Clyde built ships when and if Scotland starts advertising its capability abroad.

      "There is NO country in the world that outsources its high tech, national security, defense industry contracts and the rUK will be no exception"
      Ah. Is that why international arms trade is non existent? Because they all manufacture their own weapons?

      rUK can keep their contracts. I'm positive Scotland will find its way.

    2. Oh, and you do realise that GERS is independently verified. This is all pretty much fact. Not spin.

    3. you didn't watch the video then......

    4. Found this in a newspaper article:

      in Scotland has a
      I bright future after
      independence, according
      to some of the industry's
      strongest and most
      enduring supporters.
      Veterans of the legendary Upper
      Clyde Shipyards work-in of the
      1970s have declared their support
      for a Yes vote.
      The seven workers were
      among those who took over the
      running of five Clyde shipyards
      under the leadership of Jimmy
      Reid and forced Edward Heath's
      Tory government to back down
      over closure.
      Their action at the time received
      massive media attention which
      generated worldwide sympathy
      and support. Now the workers have come back together to write an
      open letter pointing out that
      independence will give Scotland
      a strong and diverse shipbuilding
      David Torrance, who was a
      member of the Upper Clyde
      Shipbuilders Co-ordinating
      Committee and a former shop
      steward at the Govan yard, said:
      "When we were in the UCS, there
      were four yards building world
      class ships.
      "Now, after years of decline, a
      Yes vote is about giving the yards a
      new start and a healthy future and
      bringing the powers to do it from
      London to Scotland."
      And another Co-ordinating
      Committee member, Jimmy
      Cloughey, commented: "When
      we have power to direct our
      industries as we did in the UCS,
      the shipyards on the Clyde will
      have a more fulfilling future if
      there is a policy of diversification
      and commercial shipbuilding."
      Another one of the group is Belty
      Kennedy, a telephone supervisor
      who refused to disconnect
      phones when the work-in began.
      She said: "Of course the work
      in the Clyde's shipyards will
      continue after a Yes vote.
      It's the workers who guarantee
      that shipbuilding will thrive
      when we are independent, and
      who should get the respect they'

  5. Great report. Scotland would be daft to vote no. Wish i could convince people who are to scared of change..

    1. What about people who can't spell?

    2. Brilliant, insightful comment. Thanks for setting aside the time it must have taken to post it. I've said it before and I'll say it again: we're remarkably lucky to be living at this time in our country's history and it's important that we all put proper, adult thought into this momentous decision in a way that means we'll be proud to relate to our children and theirs what small part we played in shaping the nation they inherit from us. You'll be able to tell them about that time you sneered at a spelling mistake made by someone you'd never met. You should come out from behind the cloak of anonymity to take what would be well-earned praise for that contribution.

  6. I can't see video

    1. Can you not see it on Youtube at ?

  7. Excellent video & explanation. This puts things in black & white, I was initially a no voter but over the past 6 months spent researching the benefits of both sides of the argument, I am now a definite Yes voter. It's time we broke free and took care of our own matters. The inequality in the UK is despicable. A great quote that really put things in perspective that I heard from an Aberdonian on why she was voting yes: "When I look out to see all I see is oil rigs but when I look inland all I see is food banks!"
    Scotland should be run by the Scottish for the Scottish, it's the only way we make sure we put our people first.

    1. Thanks for that. Would you mind if I quoted you in future posts? I think it's vital that we encourage people to do their own reading and they'll be more likely to do that if they hear stories like yours.

    2. Not at all, I think it's important that people look at things from both sides but I after the research I have done I am now fully convinced that we would be much better off as independent nation. Keep up the good work.

  8. I worked in shipbuilding on the lower Clyde in the late 70's and there were numerous yards there, now reduced to just 1. Upper Clyde was the same with thousands of men employed there. The amount of jobs now, in shipbuilding 0n upper and lower Clyde is less than 10% of the previous amount. A reduction achieved under the Union. If you think for 1 minute that the rest of these jobs will be safe in the Union, you need to speak to a shrink, and soon. The Unions' track record is nothing short of abysmal.

  9. This 'undecided woman' has made up her mind.

    1. Good (I hope). Whichever way you've decided, you've put thought into it and we should all realise that they way we are conducting this debate is, overwhelmingly, doing us proud in the eyes of the world:

  10. May your choices reflect your hopes, not your fears!

  11. May your choices reflect your hopes, not your fears!
